HIFOR Standard

The HIFOR Standard is the set of rules and requirements to be followed by all participants in the process of generating HIFOR units. These rules and requirements cover, for example, the design, implementation, validation, verification and oversight of HIFOR projects and the tracking of HIFOR units.

HIFOR Program Guide & Standard

The HIFOR Program Guide & Standard describes the program’s objectives, principles, governance, procedures, definitions, and other topics. It includes requirements for selecting Validation and Verification Bodies and provides a framework within which the methodology can be applied.

The Guide & Standard is currently being drafted.

HIFOR Methodology

The HIFOR Methodology defines requirements that Project Proponents shall follow to design a project, quantify HIFOR Units and enable their issuance. Translations are available in several languages, for information, but in case of differences in content, the English language version is the master

The High Integrity Forest Investment Initiative (HIFOR)SM aims to mobilize finance for the protection of high integrity tropical forest landscapes and provide tangible incentives for the maintenance of their nature- and climate-positive attributes, through the issuance of tradeable HIFOR units.

This methodology defines requirements that Project Proponents shall follow to quantify HIFOR units and enable their issuance. The methodology must be read in conjunction with the HIFOR Program Guide & Standard which covers HIFOR objectives, principles, governance, procedures, definitions, and other topics.


L'initiative d'investissement pour les forêts à haute intégrité a pour objectif de mobiliser des fonds pour la protection des paysages forestiers à haute intégrité et à fournir des mesures incitatives tangibles pour le maintien de leurs attributs positifs pour la nature et le climat, grâce à l'émission d'unités HIFOR négociables.

Cette méthodologie détermine les conditions que les promoteurs de projet doivent remplir pour procéder à la quantification des unités HIFOR et permettre leur émission. Elle doit être lue conjointement avec le guide et les normes du programme HIFOR, qui présentent les objectifs, les principes, la gouvernance, les procédures, les définitions et d'autres sujets.


La Iniciativa de Inversión en Bosques de Alta Integridad busca movilizar fondos para la protección de paisajes forestales tropicales de alta integridad y proporcionar incentivos tangibles para el mantenimiento de los atributos positivos para la naturaleza y el clima, mediante la emisión de unidades HIFOR comercializables.

Esta metodología define los requisitos que los Proponentes de Proyectos deben seguir para cuantificar las unidades HIFOR y facilitar su emisión. La metodología debe leerse junto con la Guía y Estándar del Programa HIFOR, que cubre los objetivos, principios, gobernanza, procedimientos, definiciones y otros temas relacionados de HIFOR.


A Iniciativa de Investimento em Florestas de Alta Integridade visa mobilizar financiamento para a conservação de paisagens florestais tropicais de alta integridade e proporcionar incentivos tangíveis para a manutenção dos seus atributos positivos para a natureza e o clima, através da geração de unidades HIFOR negociáveis.

Esta metodologia define os requisitos que os Proponentes de Projeto devem seguir para quantificar as unidades HIFOR e permitir a sua geração. A metodologia deve ser lida em conjunto com o Guia e Normas do Programa HIFOR, que abrange os objetivos, princípios, governança, procedimentos, definições e outros tópicos da HIFOR.


HIFOR Templates

Templates define the required structure for certain key documents, including the Project Description Document and the Project Performance Report, that program participants must create.  


Other templates coming soon 

The HIFOR Project Description Document Template provides a comprehensive structure for documenting forest-related projects aimed at biodiversity and climate change mitigation goals. It outlines all necessary sections for the submission, review, and ongoing monitoring of a project under the HIFOR program.


To ensure accountability, a robust monitoring plan is included, along with the quantification of expected carbon removals and social benefits. This structured approach facilitates transparency and ensures compliance with HIFOR’s rigorous standards, making it easier to track progress over time and adjust interventions as necessary.
