Our partners

HIFOR partners are the key to global impact

Partnership is the key to long-term conservation

HIFOR engages the expertise and diversity of our partners, which include environmental nonprofits, research institutions, local and national governments, private sector stakeholders, Indigenous Peoples, and local communities. Our partners contribute expertise to all areas of HIFOR, including new pilot sites, project development, the science behind the HIFOR methodology, cultural considerations, and HIFOR as a finance mechanism.


Government Partners

The success of the HIFOR Initiative is a testament to our long term and enduring relationships with our government partners. Prioritizing and strengthening these relationships are essential in gaining support and working together to achieve our common goal of protecting and restoring critical tropical forests globally. 

Partnership is the key to long-term conservation

HIFOR is made possible by:

Republic of Congo
Republic of Congo
Good Energies Foundation
Good Energies Foundation