HIFOR Pilots

The HIFOR Initiative has two active pilot sites in a growing portfolio. The first is in Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park in the Republic of Congo. The second is in the Mamirauá and Amanã Sustainable Development Reserves in Amazonas, Brazil. Combined, these areas cover 4 million hectares of high integrity tropical forest, foster biodiversity, and sequester about 53 million tons of CO2 annually.



High integrity tropical forests are some of the highest biodiversity ecosystems on earth.



Absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, supply rain downwind, and keep local and regional areas substantially cooler than they would be without them.



We identify the tropical forests with the highest integrity and consult with local stakeholders to determine if HIFOR is a good fit for them



High integrity tropical forests are some of the highest biodiversity ecosystems on earth.



Absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, supply rain downwind, and keep local and regional areas substantially cooler than they would be without them.



We identify the tropical forests with the highest integrity and consult with local stakeholders to determine if HIFOR is a good fit for them

An expanding group of HIFOR pilot sites under development

In Republic of Congo, we are exploring a potential pilot in the Lac Tele Community Reserve which has a community of roughly 20,000 people, along with the highest known densities of lowland gorillas globally. Much of the reserve is peatland and is co-managed by the government and WCS. 


In the Amazon Basin, in addition to the Mamirauá and Amanã pilot, we are also actively exploring options for HIFOR pilots in Jaú National Park and Indigenous territories in Amazonas. 
 We’re also evaluating the potential for Indigenous territory HIFOR pilots in the Colombian Amazon, including Território da Yaguares. 

Republic of Congo

Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park

The HIFOR Congo Project is in Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, which covers 408,000 hectares of predominantly high integrity tropical forest in northern Republic of Congo.

Amazonas, Brazil

Mamirauá and Amanã Reserves

The HIFOR Amazonas Project is across two Sustainable Development Reserves in the Central Amazonas Conservation Complex of Brazil, covering 3,623,406 hectares of high integrity tropical forest.

HIFOR offers a single investment opportunity, with multiple benefits.

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